Sunday 24 February 2013

Awestruck Wonder

I love to stand and watch the churning sea,
Gigantic waves that dwarf my mortal frame;
And study mountain peaks too high for man to reach,
And as I gaze my lips must frame that name;
In awestruck wonder, I gaze upon His works,
Burbling streams, glinting in the morning sun,
Mountain ranges, vast forests, leafy vales,
And then, the thought, He’s only just begun.

The universe, too vast for comprehension,
Planets, suns, that dwarf our tiny earth,
What wonders that lie beyond our reach?
What knowledge that signifies His worth?
Such greatness, beyond imagination,
Such beauty beyond anything we see;
Awesome sights, creations wonder,
But more glorious by far is He.

by Bill Thomas


  1. I can so relate to this. And love the echoes from voices long ago.

  2. there we go - you nailed this one on the last line!

  3. Immaculate piece!Sometimes the expanse takes us beyond what they appear...and then disappear!Lovely...

  4. Thank you all, Bill's poem is wonderful and that last line certainly nails it :)
