Thursday 7 March 2013

Crucified with Christ

Ive been crucified with Christ, so its no longer I who live,
For on the cross with Christ I died, when He His life did give.

Christ and I have been made one, for Im hidden deep in Him,
He has fulfilled the law for me, so now Im freed from sin.

Both sin and death have lost their power, Im now at peace with God,
And Im walking on a pathway, that Jesus Christ has trod.

For Im a new creation, made in the image of Gods Son,
And on the holy highway, I will my journey run.

No sin is counted to my charge, no evil me befall,
For I am clothed with Jesus Christ, and Hes my all in all.

The gospel is good news for me, for it tells me who I am,
That all my dreadful failures, have been dealt with by the Sacrificial Lamb.

So sin is not an issue, and death has lost its power,
So Christ and I do walk as one, each day and every hour.

For Im hidden in His holiness, and Im covered by His love,
And in this awesome truth Im sealed, until I reach my home above.

By Dave Thorpe 

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Eternal Bliss

How can I think of the world to come
When I know so little of this?
What have I achieved, what have I done
To deserve eternal bliss?
Why should I gain from another man’s pain?
Why should my sin be placed upon Him?
I’ve been set free, but how can it be
When I know I deserve much less.

Why does His mercy outweigh my guilt?
I doubt if I’ll ever know.
Why did the scales in my favour tilt?
Why do His clemencies flow?
Why does His grace afford me a place
In the realm of His Son, after all that I’ve done;
His blessings are for me, why does He adore me,
And where did my transgressions go?

What can I do, but give Him all praise
For the things He has done for me?
How will I spend the rest of my days?
What will my future be?
If I can just serve Him, though I don’t deserve Him,
And give Him the glory, and tell out His story,
For I certainly know when I finally go,
His face I will surely see.

By Bill Thomas

Sunday 3 March 2013


Cascading down
Immersed in the torrent
Sinking slowly into Christ's love
Reaching out to be touched.

Completely baptized
Engulfed in the deluge
Drowning in all Christ has done
Gripped in the grasp of the son.

Receiving life
Grafted in the father
Devoting to Christ’s perfect care
unmerited grace freely shared.

Spirit alive
Streaming with the divine
Infused with heavens odor
Soaked into the spirits power.

Encasing me
The essence of life
Restoring me
Emanating from deep inside
Empowered to fullness of life.

By Alan Stevens

Clothed with Jesus

Clothed with Jesus, to be like Him,
Having been forgiven all our darkest sin.

Now a child of God most High,
To us no blessing Hell deny.

Wrapped in a cloak of holiness,
As His heirs, for Him to bless.

Touched by His grace and love,
Clothed with the Christ of God above.

No weapon formed against us will succeed.
From powers of darkness we are freed.

Hidden in Christs holiness, we rest,
With kind affection we are truly blessed.

We do not walk the worldly way,
But follow in His footsteps day by day.

Baptised into His holiness divine,
His radiant glory through us to shine.

This not by human merit, but by grace,
And by His love and mercy, we will see His face,

From before all ages, He did call our name,
Forgiving all our failings, taking all our shame.

Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord above,
By His grace and mercy, we are covered with His love.

By Dave Thorpe

Friday 1 March 2013

Caught in Adultery

But what did you write upon the ground?
And what did you think, as they stood around
Demanding her blood upon her hands;
She with the stigma, the prostitute brand.

Did you think of her frailty, of how she did wrong,
Of the unrighteous anger of the gathering throng;
And as you noticed the cant and hypocrisy there.
Did you weep at the lack of compassion and care?

Did you stoop down in anger or to cover your pain
For this world you’de created, now shrouded in shame?
Did you write words of wisdom, or just plain ‘forgive’,
As you forced them to leave and allow her to live.

And, did you realise, My lord, as she stood there alone,
That you, only you could have cast that first stone?

By Bill Thomas